asettico via rockbox
2017-08-21 12:22:52 UTC
Hi all,
hoping to please you, I send you a picture of something that made me smile.
It's a long time I do not use Rockbox, because my player is broken,
waiting for a fix, but I'm still very fond of you.
A big hug!
hoping to please you, I send you a picture of something that made me smile.
It's a long time I do not use Rockbox, because my player is broken,
waiting for a fix, but I'm still very fond of you.
A big hug!
,= ,-_-. =. asettico ~ [ ]
((_/)o o(\_)) OpenPGP ~~ [ 1024D/1CB926BA 2003-11-29 ]
`-'(. .)`-'
,= ,-_-. =. asettico ~ [ ]
((_/)o o(\_)) OpenPGP ~~ [ 1024D/1CB926BA 2003-11-29 ]
`-'(. .)`-'