rockbox under XDuooX3
mk360 via rockbox
2018-09-22 18:22:19 UTC

while checking the Rockbox homepage, I discovered that Rockbox partially
supports XDuooX3 <https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/XDuooX3> without the need
to install the forked <http://xvtx.ru/rockbox/index.htm> version.

the question is how do I install it? because it appears to be not
supported by the rockbox utility... Any instructions? or reference links?


timothy campbell via rockbox
2018-09-22 19:55:51 UTC
I use my xduoo x3 with the rockbox supplied by Vortex, really easy install, just follow his online instructions.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 19:30, mk360 via rockbox<***@cool.haxx.se> wrote:

while checking the Rockbox homepage, I discovered that Rockbox partially supports XDuooX3 without the need to install the forked version.

the question is how do I install it? because it appears to be not supported by the rockbox utility... Any instructions? or reference links?



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David Mehler via rockbox
2018-09-22 20:12:26 UTC
Post by timothy campbell via rockbox
I use my xduoo x3 with the rockbox supplied by Vortex, really easy install,
just follow his online instructions.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
while checking the Rockbox homepage, I discovered that Rockbox partially
supports XDuooX3 without the need to install the forked version.
the question is how do I install it? because it appears to be not supported
by the rockbox utility... Any instructions? or reference links?
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Solomon Peachy via rockbox
2018-09-22 21:09:25 UTC
Post by mk360 via rockbox
while checking the Rockbox homepage, I discovered that Rockbox partially
supports XDuooX3 <https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/XDuooX3> without the need to
install the forked <http://xvtx.ru/rockbox/index.htm> version.
Yes and no. Right now the only way to install the rockbox bootloader is
to use the xvortex install/flash image.

The X3 isn't on the build page yet, and there are a couple of
outstanding issues to sort out [1] before the rockbox mainline can
generate a stable image.

In the mean time, beyond compiling your own image, the xvortex image is
quite usable.

[1] Patches exist, but we are debating a better way to fix things.

- Solomon
Solomon Peachy pizza at shaftnet dot org
Coconut Creek, FL ^^ (email/xmpp) ^^
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
David Mehler via rockbox
2018-09-23 00:35:20 UTC

What are the outstanding issues with the x3 and rb? I am not a
programmer, but can offer to test, I've got an x3, and I use speech on
it, i've also got dev boxes I can let you use if that would be of any
Post by Solomon Peachy via rockbox
Post by mk360 via rockbox
while checking the Rockbox homepage, I discovered that Rockbox partially
supports XDuooX3 <https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/XDuooX3> without the need to
install the forked <http://xvtx.ru/rockbox/index.htm> version.
Yes and no. Right now the only way to install the rockbox bootloader is
to use the xvortex install/flash image.
The X3 isn't on the build page yet, and there are a couple of
outstanding issues to sort out [1] before the rockbox mainline can
generate a stable image.
In the mean time, beyond compiling your own image, the xvortex image is
quite usable.
[1] Patches exist, but we are debating a better way to fix things.
- Solomon
Solomon Peachy pizza at shaftnet dot org
Coconut Creek, FL ^^ (email/xmpp) ^^
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
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